Greening Africa

Greening Africa, is a project of the NGO Pachamama Raymi. The name “Greening Africa” points at the potential for Tanzania and other countries. It also reflects our optimism for a better future.

Pachamama Raymi (“Mother Earth” in Quechua) is not only an NGO it also stands for an innovative methodology for rural development, which has demonstrated its effectiveness. Greening Africa uses this methodology.

Rural poverty is often linked to severe degradation of natural resources. Nature is forgiving and resilient, meaning that degradation can be reversed if people would change their management practices. Poverty is also linked to preventable human health issues.

In other words, natural resources can be reclaimed, producing food and income and people can become healthy, preventing many health problems. The Pachamama Raymi methodology has shown to be capable of releasing this potential, breaking the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty. That’s what Greening Africa is about! It is possible to change management of natural resources and preventive health habits of a majority of the population within 3 to 4 years. Our methodology uses peer learning, in combination with effective motivators. A very important motivator are contests between families and villages, rewarding people for achieving great results.

Greening Africa designs and implements projects and shares its experience with government programs, NGOs, and all kinds of development initiatives.